

Dr Kirsten Connan
College -> Leaders in Focus
A/Prof Katie Groom: researcher and MFM clinician leading in her field
Dr Kirsten Connan | Vol: 20 No 1 | Autumn 2018
A/Prof Rosalie Grivell
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Consent for clinical research trials
A/Prof Rosalie Grivell | Vol: 18 No 3 | Spring 2016
Prof Cindy Farquhar
College -> Leaders in Focus
Updates From our Research and Policy Team
Prof Cindy Farquhar | Vol: 26 No 2 | Winter 2024
Dr Celia Devenish
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Everyday academia
Dr Celia Devenish | Vol: 15 No 3 | Spring 2013
Despina Demertzidis
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
RANZCOG Women’s Health Foundation
Despina Demertzidis | Vol: 24 No 4 | Summer 2022
Dr Vinayak Smith
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
The future of monitoring the fetus during labour
Dr Vinayak Smith | Vol: 22 No 3 | Spring 2020
Dr Michelle Wise
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Methods of labour induction
Dr Michelle Wise | Vol: 22 No 3 | Spring 2020
Dr Miranda Davies-Tuck
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Homebirth in Australia: from shadows to mainstream
Dr Miranda Davies-Tuck | Vol: 22 No 3 | Spring 2020
Dr Gerald Lawson
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Painting the mice: research fraud
Dr Gerald Lawson | Vol: 14 No 2 | Winter 2012
Dr Amanda Whale
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
VBAC-2: a review of current evidence
Dr Amanda Whale | Vol: 22 No 3 | Spring 2020
College -> Leaders in Focus
Scholarships providing opportunity for growth
RANZCOG | Vol: 22 No 2 | Winter 2020
College -> Leaders in Focus
Scholarship, Fellowship and Travel Grant recipients 2021
RANZCOG | Vol: 23 No 2 | Winter 2021
Prof Caroline de Costa
Women's Health -> Leaders in Focus
ANZJOG: writing, reviewing and beyond
Prof Caroline de Costa | Vol: 22 No 1 | Autumn 2020
A/Prof Rosalie Grivell
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Scaling the evidence pyramid: research synthesis
A/Prof Rosalie Grivell | Vol: 17 No 4 | Summer 2015
Dr Nancy Hamura
Women's Health -> Leaders in Focus
Timing of initiation of antenatal care at the PMGH
Dr Nancy Hamura | Vol: 21 No 4 | Summer 2019
Prof Donald Marsden
Women's Health -> Leaders in Focus
Research or audit in postgraduate training
Prof Donald Marsden | Vol: 19 No 2 | Winter 2017