

Dr Brett Daniels
Is the general gynaecologist an endangered species?
Dr Brett Daniels | Vol: 12 No 1 | Autumn 2010
Dr Nisha Khot
College -> Leaders in Focus
Leaders in Focus: Dr Hilary Joyce
Dr Nisha Khot | Vol: 23 No 3 | Spring 2021
Dr Kirsten Connan
College -> Leaders in Focus
Leaders in Focus: A/Prof Rosalie Grivell
Dr Kirsten Connan | Vol: 21 No 1 | Autumn 2019
Brett Locker
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Postcards from the interface …between the gynaecologist and the urogynaecologist
Brett Locker | Vol: 12 No 1 | Autumn 2010
Joel Bernstein
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Should the specialist gynaecologist provide a fertility service?
Joel Bernstein | Vol: 12 No 1 | Autumn 2010
Dr Michael Bethune
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
How to manage a complex ovarian cyst
Dr Michael Bethune | Vol: 22 No 1 | Autumn 2020
Rhonda Farrell
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
What does a gynaecological oncologist expect from the specialist gynaecologist?
Rhonda Farrell | Vol: 12 No 1 | Autumn 2010
A/Prof Glyn Teale
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Gynaecological oncology: Where does the non-subspecialist fit in?
A/Prof Glyn Teale | Vol: 12 No 1 | Autumn 2010
A/Prof Jared Watts
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Considered, careful and competent country care
A/Prof Jared Watts | Vol: 23 No 2 | Winter 2021
Prof Michael Permezel
Feature -> Leaders in Focus
Training the rural generalist
Prof Michael Permezel | Vol: 23 No 2 | Winter 2021