RANZCOG recently launched an online discussion forum, the RAPID network, on the Climate eLearning website.
The purpose of the RAPID (RANZCOG Asia Pacific International Development) network is to forge links between College members with an interest in global health and international development as well as share items of interest and work opportunities.
While RANZCOG’s global health involvement focuses on supporting the College’s neighbours in the Oceanic region, other global health development and work opportunities can also be promoted on the RAPID network.
The aims of the network are to:
- link those with an interest in global health development, including early-career practitioners; link those with an interest in global health development, including early-career practitioners;
- provide a platform to share news about recent activities and achievements;
- host requests for, or offers of, services, equipment or other assistance;
- advertise global health development work opportunities, both paid and voluntary assignments;
- share links to useful resources, videos and educational tools;
- provide a forum where trainees from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) can discuss issues;
- enable young O&G specialists and trainees in the PICs to seek a mentor, and for experienced O&G specialists with relevant experience to offer their expertise as a mentor to early-career O&G specialists and trainees.
RAPID is not intended for clinical discussion. If submitted, such conversations will be referred to experts for follow up offline.
If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas about the RAPID network, please contact Carmel Walker, Senior Coordinator, Global Health Unit at: [email protected]. Please contact [email protected] if you have questions about access to the CLIMATE site to enter the RAPID network.

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